Loop in latex

When exporting lots of results, it can be interesting to see them all at once, in a latex document for example. If there are more than 3 results, it can be cumbersome to write 3 \includegraphics commands (for example). One solution is to use the tikz package as follow:

\foreach \x in {Australia, Austria, Belgium}


\begin{figure}[h] \centering

\includegraphics[scale = .5]{rates_\x.pdf}


\label{fig:\x} \end{figure}



This code include the figures named rates_Australia, rates_Austria and rates_Belgium. The \x stands for the local variable.

Note that the \clearpage is very important: latex cannot deal with too many floating elements (such as figures). If the loop has less than about 10 elements, it is not necessary.

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    No results matching ""