Common room

This gitbook has as its purpose to foster the cooperation of PSE PhD students and potential associates (RAs, postdocs, etc) or related parties (PhD students from neighbouring institutions for instance). The primary aim of the wiki is to gather information and coding tricks pertaining to the writing of cleaning-up and/or econometric programs using various statistical analysis softwares and programming languages such as Stata, R, or Python.

Secondary aims include:

  1. a section on administrative perks of the life of PhD students

  2. a section summarizing the calendar of up-coming conferences, workshops and summer schools (with application dead-lines).

  3. a section focusing on the practical aspects of field survey coordination (questionnaire development, survey implementation, country-specific experiences, etc).

The general functioning of the wiki can be summed up according to the following rules:

  • Participation is voluntary and free.

  • Participants are benevolent; the (intentional) spreading of wrong information is banned.

  • There may be several ways of achieving the same goal: comments are welcome.

  • So far the primary language of the gitbook is English, so as to be as inclusive as possible, but this is a default and should not thwart people from contributing!

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